Ictiobus bubalus
smallmouth buffalo
Type Locality
Ohio River (Rafinesque 1819).
Etymology/Derivation of Scientific Name
Ictiobus, Greek,
meaning “bull fish;” bubalus, Greek for “buffalo” (Pflieger 1997).
Amblodon bulbalus
Rafinesque 1819:421.
Ictiobus bulbalus
Hildebrand and Towers 1928:115; Cook 1959:80.
Maximum size: At least
909 mm TL (Carlander 1969).
Life colors: Back dark
grey; sides bronze to golden; abdomen yellowish white. Fins grayish brown.
Fins darkened during spawning season (Sublette et al. 1990).
Fewer than 45 lateral line scales; 22-30 dorsal fin rays (Hubbs et al
1991); 9-10 anal rays; 15-18 pectoral rays; 10-11 pelvic rays (Ross 2001);
gill rakers fewer than 60 (Crossman and Nepszy 1979); 115-167 pharyngeal
teeth (Eastman 1977).
Body shape: Body
deeper and narrower, greatest depth contained 2.2 to 2.8 times in standard
length; thickness of head contained more than five times in standard length;
distance from the posterior tip of maxillary to front of mandible less than
eye (about equal to eye in large adults; Hubbs et al. 1991).
Mouth position:
Subterminal (Goldstein and Simon 1999). Mouth small and only slightly
oblique; upper jaw distinctly shorter than snout; upper lip well below lower
margin of orbit; lips thick and coarsely striate (Hubbs et al. 1991). Larvae
have terminal mouths (Wrenn 1969).
External morphology:
Subopercle broadest at middle, subsemicircular; cheek shallow and
foreshortened (distance from eye to postroventral angle of preopercle
three-quarters of distance to upper corner of gill slit); eye nearer tip of
snout than back of head; head gradually slenderer than body; dorsal fin base
more than one-third standard length (Hubbs et al 1991). Mating tubercles
present on head of male (Sublette et al. 1990). Sexual dimorphism in number
of scales below lateral line, proportion of head depth to standard length,
and proportion of length of anterodorsal fin-rays to standard length noted
by Phillips and Underhill (1971); however the differences were marginal and
may not be exhibited at the population level.
Internal morphology:
Gut much elongated, with loops running parallel to body axis (Goldstein and
Simon 1999).
Distribution (Native and Introduced)
U.S. distribution:
Wide ranging species native to streams from Pennsylvania and West Virginia
west to Montana and south to Mexico (Hubbs et al. 1991).
Texas distribution:
Found throughout the state with the exception of the Panhandle
(Hubbs et al 1991). Warren et
al. (2000) listed the following drainage units for distribution of
Ictiobus bubalus in the state: Red River (from the mouth upstream to and
including the Kiamichi River), Sabine Lake (including minor coastal
drainages west to Galveston Bay), Galveston Bay (including minor coastal
drainages west to mouth of Brazos River), Brazos River, Colorado River, San
Antonio Bay (including minor coastal drainages west of mouth of Colorado
River to mouth of Nueces River), Nueces River.
Abundance/Conservation status (Federal, State, NGO)
Populations in the southern
Unites States are currently secure (Warren et al. 2000).
Habitat Associations
Macrohabitat: Commonly
found in reservoirs and large streams (Hubbs et al. 1991).
Mesohabitat: Common in
clear waters with modest current (Lee 1980). Dalquest and Peters (1966)
report that the most productive habitat for this species is one with
abundant aquatic vegetation and a silt bottom. Tolerates high levels of
water hardness as found in the lower Pecos River and its tributaries (Cowley
and Sublette 1987). Stroud (1967) reported that good reproduction was
dependent on a pH level of 6.5-8.5.
Spawning season:
Spawns from March – September at 15.5 – 27.5 degrees C, with peak activity
in July (Moody 1970; Jester 1971; Padilla 1972; Jester 1973; Lee 1980). In
Alabama, spawning occurred from March-May at water temperatures of 13.9-21.1
degrees C (Wrenn 1969).
Spawning location:
Lithopelagophils; rock and gravel spawners with benthic larvae that hide
beneath stones (Simon 1999). Wrenn (1969) reported spawning in shallow
backwater areas. Harlan and Speaker (1951) reported that eggs are deposited
at random over the bottom or on vegetation. In New Mexico, spawning occurs
primarily over inundated terrestrial vegetation during times of high water
level (Moody 1970; Jester 1971).
Reproductive strategy:
Non-guarders; open substratum spawners (Simon 1999). Eggs are demersal and
adhesive, are broadcast over virtually all substrate types and are
unattended by adults (Jester 1971; 1973; Padilla 1972).
Fecundity: Wrenn
(1969) estimated 290,000 eggs for fish 546-556 mm TL, whereas MacDonald
(1978) estimated 98,630-501,360 for two fish 450 and 838 mm TL. Fecundity,
as indicated by estimates of numbers of eggs in gravid fish at Elephant
Butte Reservoir, New Mexico, ranged from 79,3000-323,252 eggs with a mean of
197,371; highest mean number of eggs occurred in fish of age 7 and 8 (Moody
1970). Padilla (1972) reported mean number of eggs per female at Elephant
Butte Reservoir, New Mexico, to be 163,068. Fertilized eggs average 1.6-2.1
mm (Yeager 1980) to 2.3-2.4 mm in diameter and are demersal and adhesive
(Yeager and Baker 1982). Hatching occurred in 96-100 hours at 21.1 degrees C
(Wrenn 1969).
Age at maturation:
Males, 4-5 years (minimum length of 411 mm TL); females mature after 6
years, (minimum size of 444 mm TL; Wrenn 1969). In Elephant Butte Reservoir,
New Mexico, males mature twice as quickly as females, the former becoming
adult in one year (Jester 1973).
Migration: In a large
reservoir, fish traveled no more than about 4.8 km in any given direction;
greatest distance traveled was 43-90 km in 10-12 months (Wrenn 1969).
Longevity: 9 – 18
years (Carlander 1969; Jester 1973; MacDonald 1978; Jackson and Jackson
Food habits:
Invertivore/herbivore; main food items: zooplankton, and attached algae,
Chironomidae, Baetidae, and Trichoptera (Goldstein and Simon 1999). Feed
largely on bottom material, especially diatoms, dipteran larvae, small
crustaceans Copepods, cladocerans, ostracods), bivalve mollusks, bryozoans,
and snails; most fish consume large amounts of organic detrius and sand
(Walburg and Nelson 1966; Wrenn 1969; Minckley et al. 1970; Tafanelli et
al.1971; Ross 2001), and may consume various kinds of attached algae
(Chlorophyta and Chrysophyta; McComish
1967), as well. Larvae begin feeding when
they are 8-9 mm TL, 105 hours after hatching, feeding near water surface as
their mouth position is terminal (Wrenn 1969); young-of-year 35-64 mm TL
continue feeding in water column on zooplankton (copepods and cladocerans);
fish reaching 250 mm TL shift majority of feeding activity toward bottom
organisms in shallow, shoreline areas (McComish 1967).
Growth: Newly
hatched larvae are 5-6 mm TL (Wrenn 1969). For fish in an Alabama reservoir,
Wrenn (1969) reported average TL for ages 1-13 as 142 mm, 254 mm, 320 mm,
381 mm, 429 mm, 480 mm, 526 mm, 569 mm, 605 mm, 643 mm, 691 mm, 759 mm, and
798 mm, respectively. In Mississippi, average TL for fish ages 4-9: 297 mm,
325 mm, 335 mm, 342 mm, 354 mm, and 394 mm, respectively (Jackson and
Jackson 1989).
Phylogeny and morphologically similar fishes
Subfamily Ictiobinae (Lee
1980); genus most closely related to Carpiodes (Nelson
1948. J. Morphol. 83:225-45; Nelson 1948); status of buffalo suckers
clarified by Hubbs (1930). Ictiobus
bubalus most similar to Ictiobus niger (black buffalo), with
small fishes being particularly difficult to distinguish. Body depth in
Ictiobus bubalus goes into SL less than 2.8 times versus greater than
2.9 times in Ictiobus niger. Ictiobus bubalus differs from
Ictiobus cyprinellus (bigmouth buffalo) in having a subterminal (versus
terminal) mouth. All buffalo (Ictiobus) can be separated from
carpsuckers (Carpoides) by the shape of the subopercle bone. Buffalo
differ from Cycleptus elongates (blue sucker) by having less than 50
lateral line scales and from all remaining catostomids in having 30 dorsal
rays (versus less than 20; Ross 2001).
Sublette et al. (1990) notes that Ictiobus bubalus can be
distinguished from the river carpsucker (Carpoides carpio) by the
semicircular subopercles; linear intestinal loops; and the absence of a
nipplelike projection on the lower lip (which characterizes C. carpio);
the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) also superficially resembles I.
bubalus, but the former possesses two pair of barbels.
Natural hybridization with I. cyprinellus reported (Johnson
and Minckley 1969). Ictiobus bubalus
has been artificially crossed with I. niger (Stevenson 1964).
Host Records
Cestoda (5); Trematoda (2);
Nemata (1; Mayberry et al. 2000).
Commercial or Environmental Importance
Smallmouth buffalo used both
for human consumption and for pet and livestock feed (MacDonald 1978).
Growth of species rapid in farm ponds (Hendricks 1956).
Carlander, K.D. 1969. Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology. Volume 1. Iowa
State University Press, Ames. 752 pp.
Cook, F.A. 1959. Freshwater fishes in Mississippi. Mississippi Game and Fish
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Cowley, D.E., and J.E. Sublette. 1987. Distribution of fishes in the Black
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Crossman, E.J., and S.J. Nepszy. 1979. First Canadian record of the black
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Dalquest, W.W., and L.J. Peters. 1966. A life history study of four
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